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when dancing is your career choice
ÉNDC is a new professional dance training program, unique in Canada, designed for talented young people aiming for an international career as dancers and choreographers on stage, on screen and in new technologies.
Our program is based on an innovative dynamic of professional integration in collaboration with industry leaders from the first year of the curriculum, combining technical reinforcement, artistic development, health/well-being and career management.
Our Program Directors
— KIM GINGRAS, professional dancer (Beyoncé, J.Lo…), choreographer, mentor
« Finally! A dance program that mirrors the reality of the industry, including its challenges!
Thanks to ÉNDC, this new generation of dancers will begin their career feeling properly prepared & incredibly confident. »
Our Program
The National Dance School of Canada (ÉNDC) offers a professional training program designed and supervised by recognized professionals. Our goal is to shape a new generation of dancers, enabling them to develop the tools necessary for a prolific career in the arts and the entertainment industry.
We enhance an increased fluency in a variety of styles allows for more employment opportunities.
We want to strengthen the students’ primary styles while developing their knowledge in a variety of other styles to give them access to more opportunities in the dance community.
An artist must find and assert their voice to stand out in the industry.
We will provide a platform to support the visibility of our students' personal creations in order to begin their insertion into the professional community in the second year. In the third year, the emphasis will be on production projects to get our young artists used to managing multiple events in parallel.
We offer a high-level, multi-faceted training program that also integrates practical and theoretical aspects of health/wellness. This dimension of our program is designed to consolidate the knowledge of the young talents with a view to experiencing longer careers.
Built in awareness of their potential, their specificities and their personal development objectives, they will be able to better anticipate their professional evolution while preserving a harmonious life balance.
We will be the community and artistic net for all our graduates. We will help the artists of tomorrow to flourish in the dance ecosystem.
We will provide our students with the tools for professional integration so that they can manage their careers.
We will guide our talents in developing their network of contacts to facilitate the search for projects and contracts.
We will educate our students on the life of the self-employed and the challenges of the arts today. We will teach them the proper steps to take to secure contracts or to bring their own ideas to fruition.
Representatives from casting agencies will be present at exams and school events to give students exposure, recruit new talent and build relationships with dancers.
We will also develop their transmission skills in preparation for a teaching career or a longer-term evolution to teaching different audiences.
Our facility
The ÉNDC includes over 7,700 square feet of professional studio space as well as common living areas that meet universal accessibility standards.
Our location
The School is located at 1440 Hymus Boulevard in Dorval, easily accessible by car and by bus (line 225 West / Hymus 1455) from Côte-Vertu station (orange metro terminal).